Mask img size mismatch! Converting [2704 x 2028] to [960 x 720] ORB-SLAM3 Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Carlos Campos, Richard Elvira, Juan J. Gómez, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza. ORB-SLAM2 Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Raúl Mur-Artal, José M.M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós, University of Zaragoza. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See LICENSE.txt. Input sensor was set to: Monocular-Inertial Loading settings from /ORB_SLAM3/Examples/Monocular-Inertial/gopro10_maxlens_fisheye_setting_v1_720.yaml -Loaded camera 1 -Loaded image info -Loaded IMU calibration -Loaded ORB settings -Loaded viewer settings -Loaded Atlas settings -Loaded misc parameters ---------------------------------- SLAM settings: -Camera 1 parameters (Kannala-Brandt): [ 282.907 282.907 480 360 -0.0174584 -0.0280825 0.0128327 -0.0045198 ] -Original image size: [ 960 , 720 ] -Current image size: [ 960 , 720 ] -Sequence FPS: 60 -Gyro noise: 0.0015 -Accelerometer noise: 0.017 -Gyro walk: 5e-05 -Accelerometer walk: 0.0055 -IMU frequency: 200 -Features per image: 1250 -ORB scale factor: 1.2 -ORB number of scales: 8 -Initial FAST threshold: 20 -Min FAST threshold: 7 Loading ORB Vocabulary. This could take a while... Vocabulary loaded! Initialization of Atlas from file: /map/map_atlas.osa Starting to read the save binary file End to load the save binary file Change to map with id: 0 Atlas loaded! There are 1 cameras in the atlas Camera 0 is fisheye Discard points further than 20 m from current camera Video opened using backend FFMPEG There are 831 frames in total video FPS 59.9401 line 1873 keyframes 64MapPoints2226 line 1877 mlFrameTimes.size()= 0 KeyFrame::nNextId=620 Relocalized!! INIT_RELOCALIZE success! vpKFs.back()->mpImuPreintegrated0x5d57eaaab420 pKFCur->mTimeStamp0 vpKFs.front()->mTimeStamp-73.1397 vpKFs.back()->mTimeStamp-0.016675 pKFcur->GetMapPointMatches().size()4200 1691 pKFcur->GetVelocity() 0 0 0 pKFcur->mnId620 Video FPS: 59.9401 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 6.74932 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 13.907475070364175 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 18.594926794469476 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 8.9605050685455332 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 18.584164671161012 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 10.813154752064147 FPS No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. No IMU Preintegration for KeyFrame 620, skipping inertial edge. Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 23.029409684608318 FPS Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 28.25191714684567 FPS Video FPS: 59.940059940059939 ORB-SLAM 3 running at: 21.248708397260074 FPS Shutdown mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLoopCloser is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished mpLocalMapper is not finished Saving camera trajectory to /data/camera_trajectory.csv ... There are 1 maps in the atlas Map 0 has 79 KFs CSV camera trajectory saved!